Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development that functionally changed the way of computer further. The First computer of modern age Mark-I in 1944 by Howard Aiken, here start modern ages of computer generation.The computer was powered by steam engine and used punched cards for programming. It was basically an mechanical type of calculator that also had a memory. Middle age (Analytical Engine) Charles Babbage, a British professor mathematics is the man who invented the first computer in 1837. History of Computer There are three ages of computer Dark age Middle age Modern age Design By : M.Masood
The Abacus lost to importance it took nearly 12 countries, for the next significant advance in computing devices to emerge. The ABACUS, which was invented about 5000 year ago in Asia Minor and is still in use today and is considered the first computer this device allows user to make communications using a system of sliding beads arranged an a rack. ABACUS is a manual computing device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters.